First of all, please be aware that if you are trying to ship somewhere outside of the United States, the order will not go through as we do not ship internationally. Please contact us if you would like referrals for distributors that ship our products internationally.
For the best shopping experience, we generally recommend using Google Chrome.
To complete the Check Out process:
Select the desired size and/or flavor of the product if it has multiple options
Before adding the item to your cart:
Choose "Deliver One Time Only" to receive one shipment of this item
Or choose "Subscribe & Save" to start a recurring subscription
Then add the item to your cart.
When you're ready to checkout, make sure that you are shipping to a domestic location.
Include any Promo Codes or Gift Card information if applicable.
Select your desired Shipping option. (Please note that our Free Shipping is only available within the contiguous US).
If paying with PayPal, Apple Pay, or Amazon Pay, please complete the payment process after you are redirected back to our website and double-check that your addresses auto-filled correctly.
If paying with a credit card, under the Payment Methods:
Enter your credit card number,
Expiration date (in 00/0000 format)
Card verification code
Click the "Pay Now" button and wait for the confirmation page including your order number to appear.
You should receive a confirmation email once the order has been processed. To check the status of your order or cancel it, please scroll to the bottom of our website and select "Order Status" located under the Orders and Returns category or visit your My Account page.
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